Incandescent Issue Eight

Incandescent 8

Title: Incandescent Issue Eight

Photographer/s: Sophie Barbasch / Stephen Burke / Aaron Canipe / Clement Chan / Max Cozzi / Elissa Crowe / Michael Dietrich / Constanze Flamme / Dani Gherca / John Hesselbarth / Jon Horvath / Kate Kornberg / Morganna Magee / Sergey Novikov / Yuki Shingai / John Steck Jr. / Elize Strydom / Zhe Zhu / Alice Zoo

Contributor/s: Erin Barnard (Foreword)

Date of publication: August 2015

Conveyor Magazine

Title: Conveyor Magazine

Photographer/s: Ying Ang; Sophie Barbasch; Laura Bell; Elizabeth Bick; Stephen Cardinale; Lisa Congdon; Nicholas Alan Cope; Colleen Fitzgerald; Andrew Frasz; Jaques Gerrardo; Aaron Gustafson; Sylvia Hardy; David Horvitz; Leif Huron Lafferty-Gebauer; Yo Imae; Hanna Jayanti; Marcie Revens; Saul; Robbins; Liz Sales; Christine Shank; Hrvoje Slovenc; Claudia Sohrens; Jose Soto; Motohiro Takeda; Priska Wenger; Alison Chen; C. Owen Lavoie

Contributor/s: Christina Labey; Andrea Geyer; Simone Douglas; Charlotte; Nekola; Arthur; Ou; Pac Pobric; Carissa Potter; Penelope Umbrico; Wafaa Bilal; Luca Antonucci; Daniel Small; D. Eric Bookhardt; George Pitts; Dominica Paige; Lorne Blythe

Date of publication: Spring 2011