Title: FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series
Photographer/s: Linus Bill
Takashi Homma
Erik Kessels
Paul Kooiker
Eric Tabuchi
Erik van der Weijde
Date of publication: june 1st 2011
Title: FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series
Photographer/s: Linus Bill
Takashi Homma
Erik Kessels
Paul Kooiker
Eric Tabuchi
Erik van der Weijde
Date of publication: june 1st 2011
Title: Vedove / Widows
Photographer/s: Takashi Homma
Contributor/s: Francesco Zanot (text)
Date of publication: January 2010
Title: First, Jay Comes
Photographer/s: Takashi Homma
Date of publication: June 2009