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Indie Photobook Library » Tanja Mamas

Open to Interpretation: Water’s Edge

Title: Open to Interpretation: Water’s Edge

Photographer/s: Douglas Beasley
Elizabeth Brooks Barnwell
Craig Blacklock
Nan Brown
Gia Canali
Daniel Colavito
Ning Fan
Douglas Frierott
Susan kae Grant
Silke Hase
Ron Horbinski
Kirsten Hoving
Anna Hurtig
Mark Jaremko
Alec Johnson
Yoichi Kawamura
Jeff Korte
Peter Kurdulija
Moria Lahis
Colleen Leonard
Jack Mader
Tanja Mamas
Kat Moser
Seamus Mullen
Gail Murton
Mary Ann Reilly
Steve Saint-Aubin
Sara Rust Sampedro
Jack Semura
Elizabeth Siegfried
Agnieszka Sosnowska
Marc Ullom

Contributor/s: Clare O’Neill

Date of publication: February 2012