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Indie Photobook Library » USA

The Color of Hay: The Peasants of Maramures, Transylvania

Title: The Color of Hay: The Peasants of Maramures, Transylvania

Photographer/s: Kathleen Laraia McLaughlin

Contributor/s: H. Woods McLaughlin – Text

Date of publication: December, 2010

Makarapa and Vuvuzela

Title: Makarapa and Vuvuzela

Photographer/s: Ian van Coller

Contributor/s: Zachary Allen
August Cary

Date of publication: 2011

Memento: Muriel Hasbun Photographs

Title: Memento: Muriel Hasbun Photographs

Photographer/s: Muriel Hasbun

Contributor/s: Paul Roth (essay)

Date of publication: 2004

Golden Parachute

Title: Golden Parachute

Photographer/s: Jared Ritz

Date of publication: 11 / 2010

Owner of This World

Title: Owner of This World

Photographer/s: Shawn Records

Date of publication: on demand – originally October, 2009

Silent Pictures

Title: Silent Pictures

Photographer/s: Pat Graham

Contributor/s: Ian Mackaye – Introduction
Cynthia Connolly – Afterword

Date of publication: September 2007

COUPLES An Eclectic View

Title: COUPLES An Eclectic View

Photographer/s: Max James Fallon

Contributor/s: Introduction by Jeffrey Goodby

Date of publication: October 1, 2010

World Was in the Face of the Beloved

Title: World Was in the Face of the Beloved

Photographer/s: Eric Weeks

Contributor/s: Jean Dykstra

Date of publication: October, 2007

Open Books

Title: Open Books

Photographer/s: Matt Kowal

Date of publication: 11/25/2010


Title: Imprint

Photographer/s: Nathan Larimer

Contributor/s: Foreword by Lee Burbage

Date of publication: 2010