Title: Empire of Glass
Photographer/s: John D’Agostino
Contributor/s: Paula Tognarelli
Stephen M. Cadwalader
Stephanie Buhmann
Date of publication: 2009
Title: Empire of Glass
Photographer/s: John D’Agostino
Contributor/s: Paula Tognarelli
Stephen M. Cadwalader
Stephanie Buhmann
Date of publication: 2009
Title: The Lightness of Being
Photographer/s: Alinka Echeverria
Date of publication: 2008
Title: The Album Project
Photographer/s: Charles Mintz
Contributor/s: Isaac Mintz
Douglas Max Utter
Date of publication: 12/2009
Title: Getting To Know My Husband’s Cock
Photographer/s: Ellen Jong
Contributor/s: Foreword by Cindy Gallop
Date of publication: June 2010
Title: I Want You Magazine – Issue 3
Photographer/s: christian petersen
alan jaras
sterling crispin
christopher schreck
kathryn ferguson
michael christopher brown
hannu huhtamo
giovanni cellini
Contributor/s: adrian garcia
oivin horvei
nicolas sassoon
paul boulet
tabor robak
ryan lauderdale
robert hardgrave
robert beatty
brandon drake
toshiba fan
brian standeford
Date of publication: January 2010